Make your everyday purchase more rewarding!


  1. Earn a point everytime you buy Cat® parts on
  2. Earn rewards through  your loyalty with a minimum purchase of Php10,000.00 online
  3. Your loyalty tier will be determined by number of your completed orders every month.
  4. Download My Parts Reward App to monitor your points regularly and be updated to the latest perks and freebies every month.
  5. Minimum 5 points can be redeemed through Php1,000 off online voucher
  6. Watch out for a special freebie to be released to each of the loyalty tier every month
  7. Merchandise redemption would be at the end of each month
  8. Promo cannot be used in conjunction with other maketing programs

We’d love to help you with your requirements

Fill up the form to get a quote from us.
